4. Background
Our Blogs are grouped into 4 sections - each with numerous stories:
1. Cycle Tours Post 2020
Our most recent Connal Cycling Tours in Europe and in Australia.
Balkans Cycle Adventure - BCA Tour 2024; Adriatic to Baltic Cycle - ABC Tour 2023; and several small group Western Australian Cycling Tours. All of these have videos posted on YouTube. See YouTube Kit JS Connal.
2. Cycle Tours Pre 2020
A collection of stories from our earlier cycling tours pre 2020.
Including Scotland, England, Spain, Czech x3 - Vienna to Prague, Cheb, Prague to Krakow, Poland, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, France x2 - Burgundy and Brittany, Adelaide. A couple still in the writing.
3. Cycle Touring - The How-Tos...
Cycle Touring Gear Part 1 - Bikes; Cycle Touring Gear Part 2 - Bags; Guide to planning a cycling tour, Why a cycling holiday? Where to ride?
4. Background
Stories of family, history, where we live, how we started and why the wolf is important.
Berlin Olympics 1936 - An Olympian's Memoir
Posted on August 01 2021
Connal Kit - The Importance of Wolf
Posted on December 17 2019
Dunsborough - Chapter One
Posted on November 16 2019
Connal Kit the Preface
Posted on August 02 2018